Visual studio code install php 7
Visual studio code install php 7

However, if you go to the php server address (localhost:3000/) the php pages worked for me and pressing ctrl+s to save updated the page correctly.Composer All-in-One is a part of PHP Tools extension. It still brings up the directory structure and I think the issue lies with live server not being in the working directory of the php server, if that makes sense. I couldn't figure out how to get it to open the php server address rather than the live server address when pressing "go live". In my settings.json I had "" set to true, but setting it to false didn't make a difference for me for some reason. For the actual server address put in your php server address (for me the default was and for live server address type in if you kept the live server default address and port. With php server and live server installed, go to the web extension for live server and check "I don't want a proxy setup". I was having a similar issue and I think I have found a workaround. When you edit and save the index.php file with the running VS Code, it will automatically updated on that IP address. you will see that it is working in a live server with a dynamic webpage like PHP.

visual studio code install php 7

In the Browser just open the IP address.Now click on the "Go Live" button in the VS Code.ĥ.Now open the index.php file which is placed under /var/www/html/demo/ in VS Code and right click and select "PHP Server: Reload Server" then "PHP Server: Open file in browser".

visual studio code install php 7

Install the live server extension in the chrome browser and edit like this.

visual studio code install php 7

  • Create a PHP file, example index.php and place it in any sub-directory(say, demo) under /var/www/html/, like /var/www/html/demo/.
  • Install PHP Server and Live Server from VS Code market place.
  • In the following example I will guide you to install a live server which works with both webpages (static & dynamic). It works mainly with the static webpage like HTML but also works with dynamic webpages like PHP, NodeJs and ASP.NET in a tricky way. First of all, I want to tell you that Live Server which is available in visual code market place is the solution to your problem.

    Visual studio code install php 7